
Highlights from The Greatest Showman

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Vendor: Hal Leonard
From the widely popular soundtrack of the hit movie "The Greatest Showman", here is a fast-paced medley skillfully adapted for flexible instrumentation. Includes: "The Greatest Show, A Million Dreams, This Is Me", and "From Now On".
From the widely popular soundtrack of the hit movie "The Greatest Showman", here is a fast-paced medley skillfully adapted for flexible instrumentation. Includes: "The Greatest Show, A Million Dreams, This Is Me", and "From Now On".
  • subtitles Product description
  • library_books Product specifications
    Complete Set Yes
    SKU HL417028
    Voicing/Instrument Concert Band
    Performance time 0 sec
    Level/Grade 2.0
    Hard Good 4005565
    Writer Benj Pasek
    Writer Justin Paul
    Arranger Michael Brown
    Genre Film/TV
    Genre Musical/Show
    Category Concert Band
    Voicing/Instrument Concert Band: Flex-Band
    Category Concert Band: Flex-Band
  • label Product tags